Sirococcus Shoot BlightRichard S. Smith, Jr. - Plant Pathologist, Forest Insect and Disease Research Staff, USDA Forest Service, Washington, DC, and Cordell C.E., Anderson R.L., Hoffard W.H., Landis T.D., Smith R.S. Jr., Toko H.V., 1989. Forest Nursery Pests. USDA Forest Service, Agriculture Handbook No. 680, 184 pp. Hosts This disease, caused by the fungus Sirococcus strobilinus, has been found on jack and red pines in the North Central States and on western hemlock and Jeffrey. Coulter, ponderosa, sugar, and lodgepole pines in the West.
Spores produced in fruiting bodies on infected seedlings are spread short distances by splashing water. If environmental conditions remain favorable for infection, local spread of the disease will cause heavy losses in patches of the beds (fig. 22-5). Control Prevention - If possible, avoid planting susceptible seedlings adjacent to nursery windbreaks or plantings that could serve as sources of inoculum. Do not transplant infected seedlings from another nursery. Chemical - Chlorothalonil is an effective chemical control. Following label instructions, first spray seedlings when shoots and needles are emerging, and then spray at 3- to 4-week intervals until needles and shoots are fully developed. Spray more often during prolonged rainy periods and when shoots are rapidly elongating. The timing of sprays will vary, depending upon the geographic location, but the fungicide should be applied just before and during the peak periods of spore dispersal and infection. Selected References Nicholls, Thomas H.; Robbins, Kathryn. 1984. Sirococcus shoot blight. For. Insect Dis. Leafl. 166. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 6 p. Smith, R.S., Jr. 1973. Sirococcus tip dieback of Pinus spp. In California. Plant Disease Reporter. 57:69-73. Smith. RS., Jr.; MeCain. All.; Srago. M.; Krohn, R.F.; Perry, D. 1972. Control of Sirococcus tip blight of Jeffrey pine seedIings. Plant Disease Reporter. 56: 241 -242. |