Cryptorhynchus lapathi (Linnaeus, 1758)

[Hungarian Version]

Csóka, György and Kovács, Tibor (1999): Xilofág rovarok - Xylophagous insects. Hungarian Forest Research Institute. Erdészeti Turományos Intézet, Agroinform Kiadó, Budapest, 189 pp.

Mn: Tarka égerormányos  /  En: Osier weevil

6-10 mm. Foodplants are poplar (Populus) and willow (Salix). Prefers the hybrid poplar clones. The adults emerge in summer, and feed on the bark of the young trees. After mating the females oviposit their eggs on smooth-barked younger stems or branches, often into wounds. The young larva overwinters, then feeds from April to June. The fully-grown larva is yellowish white and ca. 10 mm long. The attacked part of the tree is swollen and frass can often be seen extruding from it. Attack causes death of stems and branches above the larva. Damaged branches often break at the point of attack. Can cause severe damage in young poplar plantations. Widespread in Europe and also common everywhere in Hungary.


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